FEV tutor
Homework Tips
Set aside a time to work on homework in a quiet area.
Choose a comfortable place to work.
Get all the materials you need ahead of time.
Plan to do you work every day, not at last minute.
Ask for help immediately if you need it.
Set a timer to give yourself breaks.
Don't study hungry...have a snack before you get to work.
Exercise before working.
Have an adult look over your work.
Read every day.
The Homework Hotline provides free, over-the-phone tutoring in math and science for students in grades 4-12.
Tutors are available Sunday -Thursday from 6pm to 9pm PST and can be reached by dialing 1-877-827-5462.

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Mr. Math Blog
Math Vocabulary Cards App
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Virtual Geoboard
Virtual Number Line
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Virtual Number Pieces
Virtual Number Rack
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